2023 Annual Conference & Business Meeting

September 21st-24th Lander, Wy


Thurday Sept 21st

4-6 Registration

6-8:30 WSRT Pre-Conference Board Meeting

Friday Sept 22nd

7-9 Registration

7:45-8 Opening Announcements

8-8:50 KEYNOTE: Trauma Informed Educational Practice: Rachel Whatley M.S.R.S., R.T. (R)

9-9:50 Tales of an Expert Witness: Janet Akers-Montgomery MET, R.T.(R)(M)

9:50-1o:10 —–Break—–

10:10-11 Volunteers: Giving your Best by Choice: Diane Hutton BA, R.T.(R) FMoSRT ARRT

11:10-12 Forensic CT/MRI: Richard Fucillo CRT, R.T. (R)(CT), FASRT,OFCRT

12-1:20 Lunch and WSRT 1st General Session

1:30-2:20 TBA

2:30-3:20 Dismantling a Toxic Work Environment: Fredrick D. Lee II, MPA,MBA, R.T.(R), CRA, FACHE

3:20-3:40 —–Break—–

3:40-4:30  TBA

4:30-5:00 WSRT Student Bowl

Saturday Sept 23rd

7-9 Registration

7:45-8 Conference Updates

8-8:50 KEYNOTE: ESWL- An Alternative for Radiologic Technologists: Rachel Whatley M.S.R.S., R.T. (R)

9-9:50 The Importance of Radiology in Trauma: Diane Hutton BA, R.T.(R), FMoSRT, ARRT

9:50-10:10 —–Break—–

10:10-11 Image Quality Assurance: Ashleigh Ralls M.A., R.T.(R)(CT)

11:10-12 Is Your Job Phun?: Linda Holden M.S., R.T.(R)(QM)FASRT

12-1:20  Lunch and 2nd WSRT General Session

1:30-2:20 Street Drug Abuse and Imaging Manifestations: Janet Akers-Montgomery MET, R.T.(R)(M)

2:30-3:20 Lower Extremity: Richard Fucillo, CRT, R.T.(R)(CT), FASRT, OFCRT

3:20-3:40 —–Break—–

3:40- 4:30 Understanding EI for DI Leaders: Fredrick D. Lee II, MPA, MBA, R.T. (R), CRA,FACHE

6-7 Reception

7-8 WSRT Honors Banquet and 3rd General Session

8-10 Installation of Officers, Awards, and Raffle

Sunday Sept 24th

8-10 WSRT Post Conference  Board Meeting

Award Winners

Student Bowl: The Roentgen Raiders (Victoria Holmquist, Jordan Johnson, Brooklyn Busskohl)

Bruce E Johnson Grant: 1st Jade Maya, 2nd Katie Balthazor, 3rd Amber Codr

Student Exhibit: 1st Jade Maya, Honorable Mention Katie Balthazor

Student Paper: 1st Danielle Abbott, Honorable Mentions Meredith Kopsa and Ben Gilmore

Mike Lewis Award for Outstanding Support: Rebecca Haskins

Escobedo Award of Excellence: Brittani Buckner and Kacee Hansen

Lifetime Member Award: Vicki Brown

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