
The board can be notified by email or written letter. Our web address is where all information can be found pertaining to licensure and contact info.
Look for additional information about the WBRTE in future Cathode issues.
The Wyoming State Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners (Board) would like to remind you that as licensed professionals, it is your responsibility to know when your license expires and the requirements for renewal of that license. The Board sends renewal notices no later than thirty (30) days prior to the license expiration date, so it is important that you update the Board office with your correct contact information. FAILURE TO RECEIVE NOTICE FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSE FROM THE BOARD DOES NOT EXCUSE A LICENSEE FROM THE REQUIREMENT FOR RENEWAL!
For information on renewal and other licensing requirements, or to find Board contact information, please visit our website at
Wyoming Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners
Teri C. Bedwell, RT
Board Chair
Stephanie R. Hartley, RT
Board Member
Tracie A. Soller, RT
Board Member
Thomas D. Kirk
Board Member
Mark E. Howshar, M.D.
Board Member