2020 Annual Conference & Business Meeting

2020 WSRT Annual Conference and Business Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the annual conference was held virtually on September 26th. It was a goal of the current board members to make things seem as normal as possible! The general sessions were still held, the student bowl was still held, and awards were still given. Not our normal, but what a conference to remember! 

2020 Conference Award Winners

Winning Paper Abstracts
1st place: (3 way tie)

Lisa Hancock 

David Mecham

Megan Peterson

Student Bowl Winners
1st Place: Chenoa Shkoza

2nd Place: Tabitha Madden

3rd Place: Ellen Scholl


Lifetime Membership Award
Billy Mackey

Mike Lewis Award for Outstanding Support
Kayci Robinson

Conference Speakers

Keynote Speaker – Julie Ostrowski

National Speaker with stories featured at ASRT Auntminnie.com, BND newspaper and the ISSRT Image Newsletter

Conference Schedule

Wyoming Society of Radiologic Technologists

Annual Conference and Business Meeting

Virtual via Zoom

September 25-26 2020


Friday September 25

6:00 – 7:00           Pre-conference Board Meeting


Saturday September 26

7:00 – 8:00           Registration – Zoom Chat



8:00 – 9:30           Keynote: Mummies Unwrapped

Julie Ostrowski RT(R)(CT)


9:40 – 10:30        Speech Language Pathology

Melissa Denker MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S


10:40 – 11:30     Professionalism and Patient Care

Sheridan Hanson RDMS, RVT


11:40 – 12:30      1st and 2nd General Session – WSRT Business Meetings


12:40 – 1:30        Computer Security in Healthcare

Christopher Opp


1:40 – 2:30           What Ultrasound is Best Known For: Imaging of the Fetus

Matthew Whittaker B.A.S., R.T. (R), RDMS (AB, OB/GYN, BR), RVT, RDCS


2:30 – 3:00           –Break–


3:00 – 4:00           3rd General Session

Installation of Officer and Awards


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