Legislative Committee
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The Legislative Committee is responsible for monitoring legislation presented in the Wyoming Legislature that may affect the field of radiologic imaging and therapy. This committee shall also work with the Wyoming Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners, the State Attorney General’s Office and the Wyoming State Legislature in formulating bills to be considered for law that will benefit and protect the citizens of Wyoming, if needed.
This committee consists of the Chairperson and 3 committee members as appointed by the Chairperson
The Chairperson will serve one year commencing the conclusion of the WSRT Annual Conference.
Committee members report directly to the Chairperson and aid in duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson. Members shall notify the President and Board of any impending legislation that will impact the radiologic technology field, attend and/or direct committee members to attend possible hearings meetings and hearings relating to possible changes in legislation affecting the radiologic technology field, and prepare articles for the Cowboy Cathode regarding legislation updates and activities of the committee.